My husband wanted some quality time with our daughter this weekend. So they decided to go to a movie. But there’s a lack of kid appropriate movies, so choices are limited. They decided on Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Disney Digital 3D. It was the only G rated movie other than U2 3D.
Their little outing went something like this:
2 tickets, Hannah concert movie….$30 ($15/ea—no kid prices)
Large popcorn and two drinks…$15
Sitting in a dark theatre next to your daughter…priceless or just pricey?
Admittedly this was not the best bonding bargain at $45 for less than two hours. Had the weather been better they would have just gone to the park. Or maybe grabbed some ice cream. At least these activities would give them some face time without beating up our family budget.
Tell me about it... We go broke (3 kids, my wife and I) everytime we go to the movies and it keeps going up and up!