Actual there are quite a few deals available particularly on what most people think of as luxury or superfluous vacations like Las Vegas or a cruise. Bookings for both have been down. Vegas was actually believed to be recession proof but that's not proving to be true. Cruises are available for as little as $200/person for the Caribbean. That's because in 2008 many people planned close-to-home vacations due to high fuel prices which translated to high airfare.
The deals may not last for long as fuel prices are on their way back up. But if you want to get away for spring break or have a flexible schedule now is a good time. Expedia and Kayak have some nice deals for cruises and I'm sure there are others out there.
Jet Blue just announced Recession-Proof Vacation Tickets. If you are worried about losing your job, JetBlue is trying to make it easier for you to gamble on that vacation. The airline said on that customers who buy a ticket between February 1 and June 1 and lose their jobs could be eligible for a full refund if they notify the airline two weeks before the flight. They've also got some nice deals on their site.
At our house we're gearing up for a big camping trip this summer. I've found a cargo box for the top of the car on Craig's list for $35. I'll also invest in some good walkie-talkies so the kids can explore and keep in touch. Other than that we've got all the stuff and lots of destinations to choose from. And maybe, just maybe I'll sneak away with a friend on one of those cruise deals.
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